Mountain climbing has been a dream to me since when I was a little kid. When I got old enough, I started going for trekking and mountain climbing trips. In my birthplace, there comes one such festival in which many people go for mountain climbing. It is a small trip through, but with the crowd alongside, it feels simply awesome.

Including the festival, I go for mountain climbing with my friends. With strong mind and enthusiasm, our desired destinations are always reached. I normally prefer forest mountains and a very few rock climbing. Before leaving for the trip, I always make sure about the important things I will require for the climb and everything necessary should be kept in mind;

  • Harness and ropes; if it is rock climbing, a harness is very important.
  • Hardware devices; like eight, black diamond.
  • Backpack; having all the important materials like extra clothes, snacks, lighter, first aid kit, water bottles, compass.
  • Camping materials; sleeping bags; tents and poles.
  • axe; for optional

useful resource: leadership, basic equipment, companies etc.

I always make sure that the things are light and easy to carry as it would be impossible to carry a heavy backpack and own weight if on a trekking and climbing. I take only the important materials and going in groups make it easier, as we decide who will carry what material, in this way our weights are balanced.

A short story about my first climb

It happened one weekend; I was out with my friends for an adventurous climb. It was my first climb. I was nervous and very excited about my first experience. Rock climbing is dangerous as well as thrilling. All my experienced friends were there to help me out. As it was my first climb, we selected a small rock mountain; it was 50 feet or so. Very less but high enough for an inexperienced climber like me as one mistake, and I would go down, only the basics of climbing were known to me and I was not so sure if I could make it till the top.

When I was all set up and the harness and rope thing was done, and I start climbing slow and very much steadily. The rocks were small and not far from each other, so it was easy for me. At one time I almost lost my grip and I skipped a heartbeat; but held back and my harness helped me to be strong. I started yet again. My friends were motivating me and climbing together with me.

My experience

After two hours of struggle, I reached the peak of the mountain. I felt a sigh of relief when I made it till there. To my surprise and amusement, the tents were all set up by some of my friends who had already reached the top. I was happy that I didn’t have to do this extra work. The top of the mountain was not too rocky. It had a beautiful forest extending towards the other side and there was a narrow path to walk down the mountain across the woods. Seeing that I felt like a stupid fool for doing such a hard work of climbing, whereas I could just walk up the mountain and laughed out very loud at that, but nevertheless as it was my first experience, I cherished the moment. We spent two days camping in the mountain top, enjoying the view from up. Now whenever I go for any camping trip, we try new local mountains and make sure we have at least two days of relaxation and camping.

Climbing, trekking and camping at weekends have become my favorite recreation time. I enjoy with whole heart and make use of my perfect health and opportunity to explore the nature. It is a risk, but life itself is a risk, so I am used to taking risks besides my main hobbie, I need to make a living i wholesale houses for the company my broker / my job allow me to go and live life doing what i love the most.

The world is too busy nowadays. Everyone is working and hardly any one remains at home during the day. Children go to schools and parents, to their work place. But many a times every one expects to get some urgent letters. One can’t just sit at home and wait for the postman to deliver the mails. There is no guarantee that the mail would arrive in an expected day.

Receiving a mail in today’s tremendously busy lives, has been one very concerning problem. Well, everything has a solution. The solution is, to have one’s own home mailbox. One can very easily self make a mail and apply for own address number. It will cost a little, but one can get a permanent solution to such problem.

To make a mailbox, one will need some items. The items are collected; one can make their own simple wooden mail box.

Materials required

Many things would be required to start the work,

  • Wood; for making the body of the mailbox and post.
  • Nails and glue; to fix the wooden pieces.
  • Hinges and door knob; need to attach to the mailbox.
  • Key and lock; to maintain privacy.
  • Earth driller; to make a hole in the ground to put the post.
  • Jigsaw; for cutting the Wood in shape.
  • Hammer; to beat the nails in the wood.
  • Color and spray paint; to color the mailbox.

Steps to make the mail box

Mailboxes can be of different size and models. The steps of making a mini slopping roof house shape is very easy and less time consuming.

  • Take the woods and cut them in seven pieces, with the jigsaw. 5 pieces of wood must be equal in length and breath, say for length 22 inches an breath 10 inches. These pieces are for the floor, roof and two of the other longer sides of the mailbox. For the front and the back, the woods must be measured extra carefully. The height needs to be 10 inches and extra 4 inches must be added in a triangle shape. Both the pieces must be equal.
  • For the post of the mailbox, the wood should be cut 5.5 to 6 feet long and two more pieces of 30 inches, one for angle stand and the other two for the support of the mailbox.

Putting the woods together

With the help of the glue, the pieces of wood must be glued up in the best possible way. One must make a blue print of the mailbox at the very beginning. When the gluing is done, use hammer to beat the nails in the joint woods, so that even if the adhesion is lost, the mailbox remains fixed.

The front door should be measured and cut out, then attached back with the hinges after fixing the door knob to it. One must not forget to cut out at the side of the mailbox, a 10 inch long hole, for the postman to put the mail into the mailbox. For privacy, one can attach a lock system to the mailbox. After fixing the mailbox is ready, nail the mailbox and attach it to the wood post.

Installing the mail box

When the mailbox is fixed and in perfect shape, the one last thing to be processed is left, that is, to install the mailbox. For this, one needs to drill the earth deep enough for the post to stand strong ant not be affected even if the wind blows strong. After the digging, put the post in the hole and fix the ground.

Painting and final touch

After mailbox is installed successfully, it’s one’s choice to paint it or just leave. Red color is best, as it will be easily visible from long distance and the postman can see it easily. One can simply use a spray paint to color the mailbox. The most important thing is the mailbox number. One must make sure; the number is clear and visible on the mail box.

In just few bucks, a great problem can be solved; a little hard work is required though.

Home Weather Stations come in varieties of design, shapes, and sizes. There are numerous types of weather stations and it’s almost impossible to decide the best. If you are planning to purchase a Home Weather Station, choosing the right one can be a challenging task. To make the buy easier for you there are certain points to be remembered while choosing a Home Weather Station, so that you are able to compare between different systems and select the best one available.


The most important factor is the design of the system. First of all you must decide which type of design you desire; for example, the only console with built-in sensors, Home Weather Station that also includes wireless outdoor sensors, complete wireless ISS including all the advanced sensors and PC integrated feature, or a cabled Home Weather Station. You should choose according to your need and availability of space.

Build quality

Construction of the Home Weather Station is also a very important factor that decides the best weather station. It’s obvious that you won’t desire a system with less durability, so make sure that the construction is sturdy and strong. A good weather station has the ability to withstand the harshestclimatic conditions.


Without certain accuracy, a Home Weather Station is of no use. As it’s mostly used for learning the weather conditions and making forecast, accuracy is necessary. Always go for the weather station that offers the most accurate data. With excellent accuracy, the Home Weather Station should also have a high transmission distance, and it must be exceptionally reliable.

Easy setup

A good weather station is always easy to set up. There are many Home Weather Station that come straight forward and doesn’t need much setting up. If you buy a cabled weather station, the installation can be messy. Choose a system that can be installed effortlessly and can easily be accessed whenever any maintenance is necessary.


Many users like to add some more equipment to their existing system for more versatility, but there are some weather stations that don’t allow customization. So if it’s liable for you to add certain equipment to your Home Weather Station, select a system which is compatible with other equipment as well. With time you might also like to have your system upgraded to the latest trends, so make sure that the weather station is also compatible to upgrades.

Replacement parts availability

As weather stations come with many units, it’s liable that some parts may become faulty with time, and for a small faulty part it won’t be fair to replace the whole system. There are few limited edition weather stations whose replacement parts may not be available at the market, so choose a Home Weather Station whose parts would be available when replacements are necessary.


Always look for the weather stations that fall under your estimated budget, so that you can select the best one among those, which can be bought on your budget.


Purchasing a weather station might be a difficult task, but once you get the best one of your choice, you can enjoy your weather enthusiastic life with no regrets. So take the time to see more Home Weather Station reviews, because doing things in the hurry gives only disappointments.

This article is created by my friends of seo miami they helped me out with some parts of this awesome content! thank you guys, you rock and their owner actually is a very good friend of mine we used to go treckking together!